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Health, Human Services & the Environment

Cross Roads House
For over 40 years, Cross Roads House has been providing emergency and transitional shelter and supportive services to individuals and families in the NH Seacoast area who are experiencing homelessness. Everyone who comes to us is looking for the fundamental promise of shelter and safety. However, each individual or family has their own story that led them to become unhoused. We work with them to stabilize, realize personal success, and find their own path back to permanent housing. Once there, we continue that partnership, providing post-shelter case management on an as-needed basis, further reducing opportunity for recidivism.
For Volunteer & Board Opportunities, click here.

Gather is a non-profit organization with an unwavering commitment to ending food insecurity in our Seacoast communities. We provide nutritious food and prepared meals to those experiencing hunger through our pantry market, mobile markets, and innovative food access programs. Gather distributes over 1.5 million pounds of food each year.
For Volunteer & Board Opportunities, click here.


HAVEN is dedicated to preventing violence and providing support services to those affected by domestic and sexual violence. HAVEN serves women, men, children, and all people of marginalized genders and identities affected by domestic and sexual violence. HAVEN is the largest violence prevention and support services agency in NH. The need to eliminate domestic and sexual violence, while supporting individuals and families, is greater than ever.
For Volunteer & Board opportunities, click here.

Southeast NH Habitat for Humanity
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and we work to strengthen families and communities through modest and affordable home ownership opportunities.
For Volunteer & Board opportunities, click here.

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