Seacoast Road Race Series - 2023 APPAREL ORDER!
UPDATE 1/10/2024: The SRRS quarter zip has arrived at Runner’s Alley/Portsmouth and qualified recipients may retrieve theirs beginning on Saturday, January 13th through Saturday, February 3rd.
Runner’s Alley is offering you 20% off any purchases, in store only, (exception for Garmin watches) when you pick up your apparel.
For information on Runner’s Alley/Portsmouth, including store hours and directions, go to:
IMPORTANT: We do not mail the apparel, it must be picked up.
PLEASE NOTE: We offered both female and male sizes for the quarter zip. If you did not request any changes when we emailed you in December, we ordered the original size you selected on your registration, which was unisex/men’s sizes.
We are so very grateful to the team at Runner’s Alley for assisting the Series in getting the apparel to you, so be kind! Do not ask them to switch sizes. Should you have any questions or concerns, please us at: [email protected].